David Ethan Sanders
As a cinematographer, I found an increasing need to keep my camera package and lighting gags consolidated for easy transport to set. I also wanted a workspace for my gear in my loft studio for easy access. I bought the Studio Carts Duz-All model cart because it served all of these needs and I never looked back. I opted for certain accessory options to fit my needs. The flip-out work table is the perfect camera build surface. It serves as an expansive DIT and download station on set or in the studio. The cart’s design and layout offer both bulk shelf storage and crate storage. I love the look and finish. In fact, I liked the grey hammer-tone powder coating so much that I’ve had other items in my studio powder-coated to match the cart. Alden and Pedro have been close collaborators going all the way back to the Concept Lighting days. I know they keep a close eye on quality and service and I’ve not been disappointed. They are constantly innovating and are always supportive. I see Studio Carts on set and on trucks constantly. I am pleased to see that others recognize the quality, design, and durability that I have come to appreciate so much.
David Ethan Sanders