Slik Lighting
I work on features, commercials, interviews, music videos, etc and I love my job and plan to focus on the art of lighting for the rest of my career. My team and I are always trying to find ways to make our jobs easier and more efficient, which is why I bought the the Studio Seven Crate Cart from Studio Carts/Concept Lighting. This one cart has made a huge difference in the workflow for my team. I keep all of my tools, expendables, gels, practical globes, Duv, black wrap, electrical connectors, personal items, dimmers and my flickerbox in the cart and on the move with ease.
This cart is bad ass and makes me feel more professional because of how easy it is to bring my essential Gaffer Kit with me on wheels.
I am slowly buying all of my carts from Studio Carts because when you compare them side by side with similar carts there is no comparison. Quality counts in front of the camera and also behind it.
Thanks Robert and Alden.
Paul Monroe
IATSE 728 Gaffer and owner of Slik Lighting